5 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Rock Climbing


In this post, we will explore five common mistakes that every rock climber should avoid. I know them all too well… I still make these mistakes occasionally myself. But by understanding and addressing these pitfalls, we can improve our climbing and make the most our time on the wall.

Major Climbing Mistakes to Avoid

1. Neglecting Proper Warm-up and Stretching

One of the most common mistakes in rock climbing is neglecting the importance of a proper warm-up and stretching routine. Many novice climbers jump straight into challenging routes without adequately preparing their bodies for the strenuous physical demands of climbing. This can lead to muscle strains, tendon injuries, and stiffness, which not only hampers performance but can also result in long-term damage. Seriously, we’ve all done it! It’s really important to stop this bad habit if you want to break in this sport long term.


Before starting any climbing session, take the time to warm up your muscles by performing some dynamic exercises such as arm circles, leg swings, and gentle cardio activities. Additionally, incorporate static stretching after training to improve flexibility in key areas, including the shoulders, hips, and legs. Remember, a well-prepared body is less prone to injuries and performs better on the wall.

2. Lack of Proper Footwork Technique

Many beginners tend to focus solely on their upper body strength while neglecting to engage any lower body. Climbing efficiently involves utilizing your legs to support your weight and generate upward momentum. Failure to grasp this fundamental aspect of climbing can result in unnecessary fatigue, decreased time on the wall, and thus less training time in the gym.


Foot Work Drill: Take two tennis balls with you to the bouldering gym. Find a slab (<90 degrees) section of the wall. Hold a tennis ball in each hand and get climbing, WITH YOUR FEET. The point is to do this exercise with a ball in each hand.
You may us any foothold, but only touch the tennis balls to the wall. Do not rest them on hand holds. You will need precise and balanced footwork to send.
“Tennis Ball Hands: is an awesome way to build core and develop balance. It’s also fun and entertaining to watch!

3. Ineffective Use of Grip

The way you grip holds on the wall plays a significant role in your climbing performance. Many climbers make the mistake of relying solely on their fingers, resulting in excessive strain on the tendons and increased chances of injury. Understanding the various types of hand grips and using them strategically can greatly improve your climbing ability.

Check out this blog on different gym hold types.


Familiarize yourself with the three primary hand grips: crimp, open-handed, and pinch grips. Each grip has its own advantages and should be used in different situations. For small holds, utilize the crimp grip by placing your fingertips over the edge and squeezing the hold between your fingers and thumb. Open-handed grips, where the fingers wrap around the hold without excessive strain, are ideal for larger holds. Lastly, pinch grips involve squeezing the hold between your thumb and fingers, which is useful for gripping narrow or sloping holds. By mastering these grips and using them strategically, you can optimize your climbing performance and reduce the risk of hand and finger injuries.

4. Ignoring Proper Rest and Recovery

While it’s tempting to push your limits and climb non-stop, neglecting proper rest and recovery is a common mistake that can hinder your progress. Overtraining without allowing adequate time for your body to recover can lead to fatigue, decreased performance, and an increased risk of injuries. Rest and recovery are equally crucial factors in improving your climbing abilities as the actual training on the wall.


Listen to your body and incorporate rest days into your climbing schedule. Give your muscles ample time to recover and rebuild after intense climbing sessions. Many new climbers get so excited about their new hobby that they forget to take care of themselves, which quickly leads to burnout.

5. Inadequate Route-Reading

Route-reading is an essential skill that separates successful climbers from those who struggle. Climbers often make the mistake of underestimating the importance of carefully studying a route before attempting to climb it. Without proper route-reading skills, you’ll find yourself wasting unnecessary energy, making poor decisions, and struggling to climb routes well within your skill level.


Rock climbing is a rewarding sport but it can also be quite frustrating when you’re struggling to make progress. By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on proper warm-up, footwork technique, proper grips, rest and recovery, and route-reading skills, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more proficient climber. Remember, climbing is not just about physical strength, when you tire out quickly at the gym or crag, consider which of these techniques you may be overlooking.

Climb on!

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